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2023 Reproductive Health and Science Research Fellowship


Undergraduates, medical students, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and clinical fellows are eligible to apply. Students or fellows should be working in any area of reproductive science, or performing scientific research on pregnancy or pregnancy outcomes. Successful applicants are expected to present their research at the Center for Reproductive Science, Health and Education Annual Symposium to be held in the Spring Quarter each year (starting 2024) .


The deadline for receipt of all application materials, including the letter of reference and “Other Support Page” or equivalent of the applicant’s PI are due on: April 7, 2023 by 5:00pm. Please e.mail to:


The UCLA Center for Reproductive Science, Health and Education is delighted to announce the creation of two Reproductive Health and Science Research Fellowships of $5,000 each to support training and career development in reproductive science research at UCLA. The goal of these fellowships is to provide UCLA students (undergraduate, graduate or medical) or fellow (postdoctoral or clinical) the opportunity to conduct scientific research into the understanding of reproductive health and choice throughout life.

Reproductive science is broadly defined as research involving the biology, physiology and computational biology of the reproductive system (i.e., the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis, and/or reproductive tract), and/or the reproductive hormones that can adversely affect essential elements of reproduction and reproductive health across the lifespan including reproductive aging. This fellowship also supports research on embryos, gametes, stem cell embryo and gamete models, puberty, fertility, contraception, maternal-fetal health and pregnancy outcomes, reproductive immunology, the social science of reproductive health, sexual health and environmental disruptors and effectors of reproduction.


  1. Completed Center for Reproductive Science Health and Education Fellowship cover page.
  2. A single-page research statement including future career goals. References are not included in the one-page limit. Items 1 and 2 should be compiled into a single PDF document and e.mailed to:

The research statement should be Arial 11-point with 0.5-inch margins and should include the following information:

  1. Overall goal(s) of the research project.
    1. Specific activities to be undertaken during the funding period (i.e., aims and experiments).
    1. Statement on how the research will improve the reproductive health or choices of women of any age.
    1. Explanation of future career goals.
  • A letter of support from the mentor.  Please ask your mentor send the letter to:

The letter of support should be sent separately, and must include the mentor’s current funding. The mentor’s NIH, NSF, CIRM or equivalent “other support page” can be submitted as an attachment to the letter.

Allowable Expenses

Funds will be transferred to the mentor’s cost center. Funds can be used towards the graduate student stipend or postdoctoral fellow salary. In addition, funds can also be used for purchasing supplies and/or software to support the research, creating materials for presentations, and/or funding travel, registration and accommodation to attend a scientific meeting as first author of an abstract presentation.


Applications will be reviewed by a committee composed of UCLA faculty with the appropriate expertise. Multiple applications from a single lab are allowable, however only one application per lab can be awarded in any given year.


Reproductive Health and Science Research fellows will be expected to present their research at the Center for Reproductive Science, Health and Education Annual Symposium in the Spring of 2024, and to acknowledge this fellowship in publications and presentations using the following language. “This research was supported in part by the UCLA Center for Reproductive Science Health and Education”.