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UCLA Logo Center for Reproductive Science Health & Education


Reproductive science education is critical to understanding our own bodies and that of our partners, children and parents.  Studying reproductive science also leads to impactful careers in medicine, healthcare, education and biomedical research.  Through Center activities, our aim is to increase the depth and breadth of reproductive science educational opportunities and therefore improved literacy on topics key to reproductive well-being.

Opportunities to Get Involved in Research

For research opportunities in laboratories, we welcome you to contact our members directly to find out about specific openings.

Re-imagining Reproductive Science Education at UCLA 

We are currently building the pipeline to introduce students to scientific discoveries that have led to a deeper understanding of reproductive biology and physiology, or changed the way we think about reproductive health.  Below are some of the concepts we aim to explore. 

  1. Although most of us will progress through puberty, what is the biology of this process? What happens if it does not occur or is blocked?  What can science teach us about this important stage of life?  

  1. Family planning involves planning for the number and spacing of children.  What is the science behind contraception?  Are there long-term effects of contraceptive use? 

  1. The age of first-time parents is increasing.  What is the current state of the science on ovarian aging, older fathers and the menopause transition? 

  1. For adults of reproductive age who decide to have a family, one in eight will be unable to do so and will need to use assisted reproductive technology.  What is the science behind assisted reproductive technologies? who can it help? and who has access?   

  1. Pregnancy is a unique life-stage involving major psychological physiological, cellular, molecular hormonal and molecular changes.  What does the science tell us about how to optimize health outcomes for the mother, embryo, fetus and child? 

  1. Some individuals will have reproductive organs removed due to cancer, injury, or gender affirming surgery.  What happens to the body when this occurs?  Can a person still have a biological child if they choose? 

  1. The environment in which we live is changing.  How do environmental impacts effect overall reproductive health and health outcomes in children?  How do chemicals in our environment affect our reproductive health and that of future generations? 

  1. What does the science tell us about how stress, sleeplessness, infection and our body’s metabolism affect reproductive health, pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes? 

Interested in learning more?   

Stay tuned as we update this information.