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CRSHE featured in Lab to Life Magazine: “Demystifying Reproductive Science”

CRSHE Director Amander Clark invited to comment in Nature on leading science and education priorities for the incoming Trump Administration

Fall 2024 Newsletter

Attendee reflections on CRSHE’s Distinguished Speaker Series with Dr. Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz

Bats as a Model for Ovarian Aging: An Interview with Dr. Karen Sears

Image description: A bat carrying a baby. Image credit: Brock Fenton.

by Stephanie Kiesow-Edoh

⦁ Could you tell me a little about your research and why bats are used as a model for aging?

In my lab, we harness the diversity of mammals to identify processes that drive change in organisms during their lifetime over time. Bats are a good model for mammalian longevity because like humans, they are mammals, and many species have evolved very long lifespans. Of the 19 mammalian species that are known to live the same amount of time as humans (or longer), 18 are bats.

Importantly, unlike humans, bats are thought to not get cancer or exhibit biological deterioration with years lived. In addition, not only do bats have a long lifespan but they also have a long health span – meaning that they live long lives with a high quality of life.

Given this, scientists ask questions like: how do bats do it? What processes might bats be using to live such long, healthy lives? And how might this inform human health?

⦁ How might using bats as a model influence theories around reproductive aging, ovarian aging, and women’s health?

The ovary is the fastest aging organ in the body. This leads to many health concerns, not only in terms of fertility but also in relation to menopause, bone density, cancer, mood disorders, etc. We are interested in how bats may be used as a model to improve overall female health. What we see in bats (in contrast to what we see in humans) is that there is seemingly no decrease in reproductive health span. For example, the likelihood that bats can get pregnant builds over the first year or two and then levels off (without decreasing over time) for the rest of their lifetime. Therefore, bats do not exhibit a menopause the way women do.

⦁ You just returned from conducting fieldwork in Belize. How was this experience? What did you learn? What types of roles/duties do your students have while you are in the field? Do you plan on going back? If so, when?

Fieldwork is at the core of what we do with the lab. In a typical year, members of my lab visit Belize and Trinidad. Bats are highly diverse and only a few are in colonies. We can learn a lot about bats in the field. On a typical work day – at 4 or 5pm we will set up nets before it gets dark and monitor the nets, taking bats out of them until approximately midnight before processing tissue samples. Typically, students process samples for a few hours and then a group of us will go out early (around 4am) to collect the rest.

The Belize trip was fun in particular because we are joined by scientists from different parts of the world – on this last trip, there were 60 bat researchers who study every aspect of bat biology. It is really a great experience for students to connect with other researchers in this field. Also, any bat that is used for research is used by multiple groups – we try to minimize our impact as much as we can. Being a senior researcher now, it is very meaningful to help mentor of students on these trips not only in scientific research but also the importance of conservation.

⦁ As a professor, what is one of the most common questions you receive from students regarding this work/material?

In the Winter Quarter of 2024 I taught a new course called “Why Bats Are the True Superheroes.” During this course, I’m using bat biology as an entry point to study various topics such as: viruses and immune system function, how animals use their limbs to move around in the environment, etc. One of the most common challenges for students is that they have a hard time accepting why we know so little on various aspects of mammalian biology. This is how we help students make a transition from what is known in textbooks to the next frontier, which is uncovering the unknown.

⦁ What are some big next steps for your research?

There are so many ways forward right now – it is very exciting. The next big foci will be the bat ovarian work with Dr. Clark and CRSHE. As I’ve become older, I’ve become interested in having more of an impact on society. We understand very little about reproductive aging, yet each year 47 million women enter menopause due to decline of ovarian function. A major question in the field is how ovarian decline can be slowed or reversed. Species that do not go through ovarian decline may have something to teach us about this.

I’m also very excited about how bats accumulate less DNA damage in their cells. This question is so fundamental to cancer and aging and all of the aging-related diseases that humans get that impact quality of life.

What we have found in our research so far is that different lineages of bats can achieve mitigation of DNA damage in different ways. So it is very interesting from an evolutionary perspective and has human health implications as well.

One of the most exciting things recently is that we have been able to grow bat cells in the lab. Through bat cell culture, we can begin to study cells in the lab, and see how they respond to DNA damaging agents. These types of approaches will advance our understanding of healthy aging.

Image description: Group photo of scientists that attend the Belize field trip every year.
Image description: Dr. Karen Sears holding a bat.
Image description: Dr. Karen Sears holding a bat she just took out of a harp trap.
Image description: Sometimes the team catches bats in Belize at a Mayan temple site (the site is called Lamanai). This picture shows a net to the right of the temple, being set up.

New Behind the Scenes: The Making of Abyssal

We are thrilled to share a behind the scenes look of the making of Abyssal by Saskia Baden! This is the Center for Reproductive Science, Health and Education’s first Art and Science project – now on the 4th floor of the Biomedical Sciences Research Building at UCLA.

Please feel free to stop by and view the large-scale piece in person as a representation of the art of maternal health.

We look forward to keeping you updated on more pieces with our nominated artist as well as a meet and greet event coming this Fall.

Artist: Saskia Baden

Installation: Wilson Cetina Group

Videography: Damon Cirulli

UCLA’s Center for Reproductive Science, Health and Education seeks to generate conversations around crucial reproductive health issues

Image of Saskia Baden (photographic artist) with Abyssal, her large-scale photograph of a human placenta.

By Stephanie Kiesow-Edoh

With summer upon us, the Center for Reproductive Science, Health and Education (CRSHE) is moving forward with our mission to make sure that important conversations around maternal and reproductive health continue. One way we are tackling this topic is through a focus on the intersection of art and science – two domains not commonly brought together.

In the Spring of 2023, we placed a call for UCLA student artists to create pieces representative of maternal and reproductive health, science and education. That Fall, a committee of UCLA students, staff, and faculty deliberated on a fantastic set of applications from talented artists utilizing a range of approaches from photography to acrylics. From these discussions, artist Saskia Baden, MFA (2023), was chosen as the winner. The first piece, Abyssal, is an installation of a large-scale photograph of a human placenta captured at the time of birth. This stunning piece measuring 16ft x 12ft was installed last month (June 2024) on the 4th floor of the Biomedical Research Sciences Building. Abyssal, part of Baden’s larger work titled Mother Skin, examines and compares the fluidity of water and the womb with an emphasis on the unknown.

In addition to this collaboration, CRSHE has made a substantial effort to foster the pipeline of students interested in entering the field of reproductive science through various educational events and activities meant to highlight the different ways that students can connect with reproductive science, and explore its impact on human health. For example, the Center recently hosted LA County Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell as part of their Distinguished Speaker Series to speak around the issues of black maternal health in the community as well as how policies are affecting the health of mothers and babies in Los Angeles. CRSHE also established a Career Development Series with the intent to bring in various professionals from the community (ranging from midwives to maternal mental health specialists to practicing scientists), in order to connect students with mentors from a range of fields and convey the diversity of career paths related to reproductive science and health.

Stay tuned for the installation of additional art and science works at CRSHE’s headquarters (4th floor of the Biomedical Sciences Research Building). We also invite you to a meet and greet with the artist Saskia Baden at an event that we will host this Fall. You can find more details by visiting our website (, Instagram and X (@ucla_crshe), as well as LinkedIn.

CRSHE Co-Director, Dr. Hannah Landecker, selected for UCLA’s 2024 Distinguished Teaching Award and the Eby Award for the Art of Teaching

The Center for Reproductive Science, Health and Education is thrilled to announce that our very own Co-Director, Dr. Hannah Landecker, has received the prestigious Distinguished Teaching Award as well as the Eby Award for the Art of Teaching. We enthusiastically congratulate her on receiving these awards. This is a true testament to Dr. Landecker’s passion for teaching as well as the positive impacts she has on her students.

Decoding the Mysteries of Ovaries

“Ovaries,” says Dr. Beth Karlan (right), with colleague Dr. Amander Clark, “are fascinating organs. I always say they look like little brains.”
Photo by Adam Amengual